ASA Fire provides fire safety & protection equipment and services to the businesses in Buchanan, GA and the surrounding areas.
Read our reviews and find out why business owners in Buchanan, GA rely on us to keep their property and employees safe.
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for Buchanan, GA
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Quick response and Great customer service!
Randell - Buchanan, GA 30113
Luis M.
Luis M.
Troy L.
Alarm Systems Repair
Luis M.
Troy L.
Alarm Systems Repair
Bert P.
Alarm Systems Emergency Service Call Troublshoot pullstation going into alarm. Inoperable Deficiency for Edwards E-FSA Electrical Room: Arrived and pull Station had a broken toggle switch due to a controlled fire drill. Took device out and looped the wires together and deleted Device in panel to have a Normal. Need to return with pull Station to replace a re-add Device To Fire Alarm panel.
Chris H.
Portable Extinguishers Inspection Annual portable extinguisher inspection (2) (per unit + TSC)
Chris H.
Conducted annual fire extinguisher inspection
Troy L.
Alarm panel kept saying low battery. Technician replaced batteries.
David S.
Sprinkler Riser #2 in maintenance shop leaking. The drain is shut-off to the alarm line that goes to bell and out.
David S.
Survey area to install sprinkler heads in new addition
Bert P.
Disable and power down Simplex alarm panel.